
Business Groups Warn Against Double Dissolution

With minor parties and the Greens controlling the balance of power in the Senate, Australia’s leading business groups are concerned the attempted eradication of the carbon tax could lead to a double dissolution. The Liberal Party easily formed a majority government, claiming a probable 90 seats in the House of Representatives to Labor’s 57. Prime…

Sept 2013 031

Top Tenders to Watch

Navigating through the world of tenders is often a complicated task for those looking to reach out to the public sector. Finding the right tender can make your next financial quarter, or possibly set you in good stead for the year ahead. Whether you are looking to expand into unknown territory or continue to replenish…


The Business-to-Government Breakdown

Business-to-government marketing, commonly abbreviated to B2G, is the process of private sector organisations marketing their products towards federal, state or local government bodies. B2G can best be understood as a subset of the traditional definition of marketing activities as being either business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C). Whilst there are significant similarities between B2B and B2G,…

globedata2 Marketing to the Australian Public Sector

As the international community watches Australia choose its 28th Prime Minister attention is being drawn to more than just the overuse of “fair dinkum” or the under-use of fair coverage in tabloid headlines. It’s a time for Australia to stand out in the international arena for a range of issues; enticing more international brands and…


5 Reasons to Target Health

It’s been long recognised that health is an opportune space within the Australian market place for a variety of industries. However the extent of the diversity within the health industry is something that is often overlooked by the private sector. More opportunities are emerging for greater engagement within the health sector as modern health systems…


September 7: Hot Topics for Business

The slogans are finding more commercial airtime, the political bloggers are running on overtime and your local MP is suddenly attending every community event possible: Election Day 2013 has been set for September 7. The Australian voting public are now faced with a bombardment of agendas and policies; from what is best for your country’s…


Google’s Atmospheric Reach to the Public Sector

Have you ever wondered how versatile public sector data can be? Or how effectively correct data can drive large-scale events? Search giant Google recently put A-ZGovBIZ’s comprehensive data to the test through their Geospatial Sydney event on Atmosphere Maps. Targeted to a state and federal audience, the data was used to reach IT managers, strategists,…


Targeting Schools in Marketing Campaigns

Are you targeting schools in your next marketing campaign? Between Gonski deals and exciting new private investments Australia’s schools are a thriving source of commercial opportunity and community development. From builders to NGO’s, the execution of a marketing campaign can make or break your plans for engagement within the education sector. Schools constantly need to…

tender tips

Tender Tips: Dos and Dont’s

When is it a tender or when is it a contract? Is there a specific time frame or is it a renewable deal? Which government department should you contact and when? To the budding start-up or mature company looking to reach out to the public sector for the first time the world of tender-hunting can…


Tips on How to Get into Healthcare

Health is one of the few segments of our database in which female managers are predominant. Take this into account when planning your marketing programs. Be prepared to negotiate a minefield of administration. We have identified up to nine stratas of bureaucracy in some areas of health. Make sure to do your homework – health…