find new suppliers

How do buyers find new suppliers?

Let’s face it suppliers really have got no control over how government buyers can find them. The options are endless and include direct mail, conferences, sales representations, magazines, using LinkedIn a social media tool and email blasts. Direct mail Data driven marketing campaigns are not always about email and telephone calls. There is a trend…

movie All the President’s Men

Follow the money trail when targeting B2B

Following the money trail makes good business sense. The 1976 drama-documentary movie All the President’s Men which starred actors Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford, uncover the details of the Watergate scandal that leads to President Nixon’s resignation. While researching a story about a botched 1972 burglary of Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex,…

dirty data

Dirty Data Done Dirt Cheap

Nobody likes their dirty data to be aired in an expensive marketing campaign. In fact, it’s a marketer’s worst nightmare. A-ZGovBIZ have compiled a few dirty data must-know facts that will help you avoid campaign failures in the future. What’s Dirty Data? Dirty data can take many shapes and forms including duplicate records, incorrect information,…


Snail is Not Dead: Mail vs Email in the Modern World

In the digital age, email is often seen as reigning supreme in marketing campaigns. However, A-ZGovBIZ argues that snail mail is not dead. In fact, it might be that email and mail are not mutually exclusive marketing tools. Here’s why. New Trends in Mail Data driven marketing campaigns are not always about email and telephone…

Sept 2013 031

Top Tenders to Watch

Navigating through the world of tenders is often a complicated task for those looking to reach out to the public sector. Finding the right tender can make your next financial quarter, or possibly set you in good stead for the year ahead. Whether you are looking to expand into unknown territory or continue to replenish…

tender tips

Tender Tips: Dos and Dont’s

When is it a tender or when is it a contract? Is there a specific time frame or is it a renewable deal? Which government department should you contact and when? To the budding start-up or mature company looking to reach out to the public sector for the first time the world of tender-hunting can…